
POST services/SSOOIDCAuthorize?length={length}

No documentation available.

POST services/SSOOIDCAuthorize

No documentation available.

GET services/authorize

No documentation available.


POST services/Authentication/Login/{sAuthenticationMethod}

No documentation available.

GET services/Authentication/Login/{sAuthenticationMethod}

No documentation available.

POST services/Authentication/PasswordReset/{sAuthenticationMethod}

No documentation available.

POST services/Authentication/PasswordResetRequest/{sAuthenticationMethod}

No documentation available.


GET services/CheckConnection

Tests if the connection to the service layer is still active.


GET services/UserInformation

Gets basic information about the current logged-in user.


GET services/Authentication/Logout

No documentation available.

POST services/Authentication/Logout

No documentation available.


POST v1/SAMLAuthentication?Issuer={Issuer}

Authenticates the User

GET v1/SAML/login?RelayState={RelayState}

Logs in the user using SAML

POST v1/SAML/login?RelayState={RelayState}

Logs in the user using SAML

POST v1/SAML/logout?RelayState={RelayState}

Logs out the user using SAML

GET v1/SAML/logout?RelayState={RelayState}

Logs out the user using SAML


GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}

Retrieves the order information.

GET v1/ValidateOrder/{id}/{orderID}

Validates the order information with the customer ID provided.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}

Gets the common properties of single orderline from the person's orders, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all orderlines from the person's orders, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Gets the common properties of single subscription orderline from the person's orders, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all subscription orderlines from the person's orders, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/EventProduct

Gets the common properties of single event orderline from the person's orders, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/Items/EventProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all event orderlines from the person's orders, without login.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/CreditCard

Make payment of the unpaid order using a credit card, without logging in.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/ACH

Make payment of the unpaid order using a ACH, without logging in.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/ACHTokenizer

Make payment of the unpaid order using a ACH Tokenizer, without logging in.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Get remote payment request data for make payment without login.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote hosted payment response for make payment without login.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/GPay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using GPay, without login

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/MakePayment/ApplePay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using Apple Pay, without login.

GET v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/ValidPayments?sort={sort}

Get valid payment types for a person, without login.

POST v1/OrderDetails/{id}/{orderId}/SendConfirmationEmail

Sends an email with order information to the email addresses provided.


GET v1/Countries?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/Country/{countryId}/States?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/CountryCurrency?sort={sort}

Fetches the Countries and their Currency Codes and ISOCodes joining the country and currency tables


POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/GeneralProduct

Adds a general product to the cart.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Adds a subscription general product to the cart.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/EventProduct

Adds a event product to the cart.

DELETE v1/ShoppingCarts

Completely deletes the current shopping cart.

DELETE v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}

Removes the specified item from the cart. This may result in multiple items being removed if items are part of a group.

DELETE v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/EventProduct

Removes the specified event item from the cart. This may result in multiple session items being removed, if removed the parent event product from cart

DELETE v1/ShoppingCarts/Items

Removes all items from the cart.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all items in the cart. A cart item may have additional detail depending on its product type. Those details can be retrieved through the URL specified by the additionalDetails output field.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts

Retrieves top level information about the cart contents.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}

Gets the common properties of a single item in the cart. A cart item may have additional detail depending on its product type. Those details can be retrieved through the URL specified by the additionalDetails output field.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/GeneralProduct

Gets all properties of a single general product item in the cart. If the item requested is not a general product this call will error.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Gets all properties of a single subscription product item in the cart.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all subscription items in the cart.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/EventProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all event items in the cart.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/EventProduct

Gets all properties of a single event product item in the cart.

PATCH v1/ShoppingCarts

Sets top level fields on the cart such as the shipping and billing address or the coupon code.

PATCH v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/GeneralProduct

Updates the properties of a single general product item in the cart. If the item specified is not a general product this call will error.

PATCH v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Updates the properties of a single sunscription general product item in the cart. If the item specified is not a subscription general product this call will error.

PATCH v1/ShoppingCarts/Items/{id}/EventProduct

Updates the properties of a single event product item in the cart. If the item specified is not a event product this call will error.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/PurchaseOrder

Completes the shopping experience using a purchase order for payment. The shopper must have the required credit approval limits.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/CreditCard

Completes the shopping experience using a credit card for payment.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/SavedPayment

Completes the shopping experience using a saved payment for payment.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/CreditCard

Completes fundraising checkout using a credit card.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/SavedPayment

Completes fundraising checkout using a saved payment method.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ACH

Completes the shopping experience using a ACH for payment.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ACHTokenizer

Completes the shopping experience using a ACH Tokenizer for payment.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/GPay

Completes the shopping experience using a GPay for payment.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ApplePay

Completes the shopping experience using a Apple Pay for payment.

POST v1/CardPointe/ccn/tokenize

Tokenizes Google Pay data.

POST v1/GetApplePaySession

Retrieves Session Information for Apple Pay.

POST v1/CardPointe/ccn/tokenizeApplePay

Tokenizes Apple Pay data

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/ACH

Completes fundraising checkout using ACH.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/ACHTokenizer

Completes fundraising checkout using ACH Tokenizer.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/GPay

Completes fundraising checkout using GPay.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/ApplePay

Completes fundraising checkout using Apple Pay.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ZeroPaymentOrder

Completes the payment process of zero payment orders

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/ShipmentTypes?sort={sort}

Gets all the shipment types available.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Retrieves the remote payment request data for checkout.

POST v1/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ProcessRemotePaymentResponse

Processes the remote payment response data for checkout.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Gets the remote payment request data for fundraising.

POST v1/Fundraising/Checkout/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote payment response data for fundraising.

GET v1/ShoppingCarts/RelatedProducts?sort={sort}

Gets the related products of all items in the cart. A cart item may have additional detail depending on its product type. Those details can be retrieved through the URL specified by the additionalDetails output field.


GET v1/Coupon/{CouponName}

Gets the Coupon Code based on the Coupon Name


POST services/token

No documentation available.


GET v1/admin/companies?sort={sort}

Fetches the list of companies which the person can admin

GET v1/admin/company/{id}

Gets the company details of the passed in company Id, secured by a security Fn

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}

Updated the details of company whose ID is passed in URL

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyAddresses?sort={sort}

Get CompanyAddress All Addresses

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyAddresses

Create New Company Address for Admin

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyAddresses/{addressName}

Delete a Company Address

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Delete a Company Profile Address

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyAddresses/{addressName}

Get CompanyAddress single address by name

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfileAddresses?sort={sort}

Get Profile Company All Addresses

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Get Profile Company address by address Name

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Update Profile Company Address

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyAddresses/{AddressName}

Update a CompanyAddress

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfilePhones?sort={sort}

Get Profile Company All Phones

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Get Profile Company phone by phone Name

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyPhones?sort={sort}

Get CompanyPhones All Phones

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyPhones/{name}

Get CompanyPhones single phone by name

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Update Profile Company Phone

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/CompanyPhones/{name}

Update a CompanyPhone

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}

Retrieves the Order Details of the company order in question

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}

No documentation available.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all subscription orderlines from the company's orders.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Gets the common properties of single subscription orderline from the person's orders.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/EventProduct

Gets the common properties of single event orderline from the company's orders.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/EventProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all event orderlines from the company's orders.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/OutstandingOrders?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/CreditCard

Make payment of the unpaid orders using a credit card.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/ACH

Make payment of the unpaid orders using ACH.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/ACHTokenizer

Make Bulk Payment using ACH Tokenizer

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/SavedPayment

Make payment of the unpaid orders using a saved payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/GPay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using GPay

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/ApplePay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using Apple Pay

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ValidPayments?sort={sort}

Get valid payment types for a company

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Get remote payment request data for make payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Get remote payment request data for bulk payments.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote hosted payment response for make payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/ProcessRemoteResponse

Process the remote hosted payment response for bulk payments.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard/{savedPaymentId}

Get a Credit Card Type Saved Payment Method of the company

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard?sort={sort}

Get all Credit Card Type Saved Payment Methods of the company

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH/{savedPaymentId}

Get a ACH Type Saved Payment Method of the company

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH?sort={sort}

Get all ACH Type Saved Payment Methods of the company

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/directory?sort={sort}

Retrieves the Persons associated with the company in question

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/members

Add new member to company

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/members

Add new member to company

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/member/{memberId}

Update Existing Member from Company Directory

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/member/{memberId}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Update Existing Member Profile Phone from Company Directory

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/Upcoming?TopLevelOnly={TopLevelOnly}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details for all meetings, including top levels and sessions and sessions of sessions.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/Past?TopLevelOnly={TopLevelOnly}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details for all PAST meetings, including top levels and sessions and sessions of sessions.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}/Registered?sort={sort}

Admin Events Registered Details

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}/Waitlisting?sort={sort}

Admin Events Waitlisting Details

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}/All?sort={sort}

All Admin Events Registered Details

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Order/{orderId}/OrderDetail/{orderDetailId}/BadgeDetails

All Admin Badge Details

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/Order/{orderId}/OrderMeetDetail/{orderMeetDetailId}/BadgeDetails

Update Badge Details of person

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}

Retrieves the details for a single item in the admin events catalog.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}/Sessions?sort={sort}

Retrieves the Session details for a associated event including its events details in the admin events catalog.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/{productId}/Speakers?includeSessionSpeakers={includeSessionSpeakers}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the Speaker Information for a associated event including its speaker and company name

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/Attendees

Creates a new person in the admin system that can then be used as an attendee for event registration

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Events/Attendees/Search?SearchTerm={SearchTerm}&sort={sort}

Retrieves Admin events details of attendee when searchterm is provided.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/SendConfirmationEmail

Sends confirmation email of successfully placed order to mentioned email ID(s).

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/NonMembers?sort={sort}

Retrieves a list of all non-members belonging to the selected company.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/MembershipProducts?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/Directorymember/{memberId}

Retrieves the Single Persons from Company Directory

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/CreditCard

Make Bulk Payment using Credit Card


GET v1/Committees?sort={sort}

Gets the List of All Committees

GET v1/Committees/{id}/{Term}?sort={sort}

Gets the List of All Committees associated with a Person

GET v1/Committees/General/{id}

Gets the Details of a Committee Term

GET v1/Committees/Members/{id}?sort={sort}

Gets the Details of a Committee Term Members


GET v1/MembershipApplicationDefinition/Current

Retrieves current membership application definition.

GET v1/MembershipApplicationDefinition/Current/Products?sort={sort}

Retrieves current membership application products.

GET v1/MembershipApplication?sort={sort}

Retrieves current membership application.

PATCH v1/MembershipApplication

Retrieves current membership application.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/CreditCard

Completes membership product checkout using a credit card.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/SavedPayment

Completes membership product checkout using saved payment method.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/ACH

Completes membership product checkout using ACH.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/ACHTokenizer

Completes membership product checkout using ACH Tokenizer.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/GPay

Completes membership product checkout using GPay.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/ApplePay

Completes membership product checkout using Apple Pay.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Retrieves the remote payment request data for membership.

POST v1/MembershipApplication/Checkout/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote payment response data for membership.


POST v1/AddressValidation

Validate provided address and suggest new address.


POST v1/ServerAdmin/StandardCaches/Clear

Clears standard Caches


POST v1/User/Register

Register a Web User


GET v1/companydirectory?sort={sort}

Gets the List of All Companies

GET v1/getCompanyInfo/{Id}

Gets Company Information


GET v1/ProfilePersons/TopicCodes?sort={sort}

Gets the allowed set of topic codes for a Lookup.


GET v1/FundRaisingProducts?sort={sort}

Retrieves all the fundraising products.

GET v1/FundRaisingProducts/{productId}

Retrieves the details for a single fundraising product.


GET v1/Products?sort={sort}

Retrieves the entire product catalog.

GET v1/Products/{productId}

Retrieves the details for a single item in the product catalog.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/AssemblyParts?sort={sort}

Retrieves the list of sub products underneath the current product. Typically, it is used to get the sub products of a Kit or a Group product.

GET v1/Products/{productIds}/RelatedProducts?sort={sort}

Retrieves the details for a single item in the product catalog.


GET v1/Events?TopLevelOnly={TopLevelOnly}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details for all events, including top levels and sessions and sessions of sessions.

GET v1/Events/{productId}

Retrieves the details for a single item in the events catalog.

GET v1/Events/{productId}/Sessions?sort={sort}

Retrieves the details for sessions and sessions of sessions of an event

GET v1/Events/{productId}/Speakers?includeSessionSpeakers={includeSessionSpeakers}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details of Speakers for a particular event

GET v1/Events/{productId}/Sponsors?includeSessionSponsors={includeSessionSponsors}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details of Sponsers for a particular meeting

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/Events?TopLevelOnly={TopLevelOnly}&sort={sort}

Retrieves the details of events for which person is registered

GET v1/Events/Attendees/Search?SearchTerm={SearchTerm}&sort={sort}

Retrieves details of attendee when searchterm is provided.

POST v1/Events/Attendees

Creates a new person in the system that can then be used as an attendee for event registration

GET v1/events/{productIds}/RelatedProducts?sort={sort}

Retrieves the details every a event.


GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}

No documentation available.

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard

Create new Credit Card Type Saved Payment Method for the Person

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard/{savedPaymentId}

Get a Credit Card Type Saved Payment Method of the person

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard/{savedPaymentId}

Update Credit Card Type Saved Payment Method of the person

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/{savedPaymentId}

Delete a Saved Payment Method of the Person

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/CreditCard?sort={sort}

Get all Credit Card Type Saved Payment Methods of the person

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH

Create new ACH Type Saved Payment Method for the Person

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACHTokenizer

Create new ACH Tokenizer Type Saved Payment Method for the Person

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH/{savedPaymentId}

Get a ACH Type Saved Payment Method of the person

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH?sort={sort}

Get all ACH Type Saved Payment Methods of the person

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ACH/{savedPaymentId}

Update ACH Saved Payment Method of the person

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/OutstandingOrders?sort={sort}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Gets the common properties of single subscription orderline from the person's orders.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all subscription orderlines from the person's orders.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/{itemId}/EventProduct

Gets the common properties of single event orderline from the person's orders.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/Items/EventProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all event orderlines from the person's orders.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Get Profile Person address by address Name

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses?sort={sort}

Get Profile Person All Addresses

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfilePhones?sort={sort}

Get Profile Person All Phones

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Get Profile Person phone by phone Name

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Update Profile Person Address

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Update Profile Person Phone

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}/MakePreferredBilling

Update Profile Person Billing Preferred Address

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}/MakePreferredShipping

Update Profile Person Shipping Preferred Address

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}/makePreferredMailing

Update Profile Person Mailing Preferred Address

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}/MakePreferredPhone

Update Profile Person Phone To Preferred Phone

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfileAddresses/{addressName}

Delete Profile Person Address

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ProfilePhones/{name}

Delete Profile Person Phone

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonAddresses?sort={sort}

Get PersonAddress All Addresses

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonPhones?sort={sort}

Get PersonPhones All Phones

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonAddresses/{addressName}

Get PersonAddress single address by name

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonPhones/{name}

Get PersonPhones single phone by name

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonAddresses

Create New PersonAddress

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonPhones

Create New PersonPhone

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonAddresses/{addressName}

Update a PersonAddress

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonPhones/{name}

Update a PersonPhone

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonAddresses/{addressName}

Delete a Person Address

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/PersonPhones/{name}

Delete a Person Address

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/SendConfirmationEmail

No documentation available.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/TopicCodes?sort={sort}

Gets set of active topic codes for a record.

DELETE v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/TopicCodes/{topicCodeId}

Deactivates an active topic code on a record.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/TopicCodes

Activates a topic code on a record.

PUT v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/TopicCodes

Updates the set of active topic codes for a record. The supplied list of topic codes are activated and the other topic codes are deactivated.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/SavedPayment

Make payment of the unpaid orders using a saved payment.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/CreditCard

Make payment of the unpaid orders using a credit card.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/ACH

Make payment of the unpaid orders using ACH.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/ACHTokenizer

Make Bulk Payment using ACH Tokenizer

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/GPay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using GPay

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/ApplePay

Make payment of the unpaid orders using Apple Pay

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/ValidPayments?sort={sort}

Get valid payment types for a person

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Get remote payment request data for make payment.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Get remote payment request data for bulk payments.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/{orderId}/MakePayment/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote hosted payment response for make payment.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/ProcessRemoteResponse

Process the remote hosted payment response for bulk payments.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Create SPM by remote hosted payment method. Returns remote URL to add payment details.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/SavedPaymentMethods/ProcessRemoteResponse

Processes the remote hosted SPM response.

POST v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/OrderHistory/MakePayment/BulkOrder/CreditCard

Make Bulk Payment using Credit Card

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/DownloadableProducts?sort={sort}

Gets the downloadable items for products purchased by the user.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/DownloadableProducts/{OrderId}/{DownloadItemId}?sort={sort}

Gets the information of all downloadable items for a single product purchased by the user.

GET v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/DownloadSingleAttachment/{attachmentId}?downloadItemId={downloadItemId}

Downloads a single Attachment of a record, given the Entity Name of the record, Download Item Record ID, and ID of the Attachment.

PATCH v1/ProfilePersons/{id}/UpdateProductDownloads/{orderId}/{productId}

Update the NumberOfDownloads in ProductDownloads and ProductDownloadHistory Subtype after every successful download.


GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts

Gets the company details of the passed in company Id, secured by a security Fn

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/EventProduct

Adds a event product to the company cart.

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts

Completely deletes the current admin shopping cart.

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}/EventProduct

Removes the specified event item from the cart. This may result in multiple session items being removed, if removed the parent event product from cart

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items

Removes all items from the admin cart.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all items in the cart. A cart item may have additional detail depending on its product type. Those details can be retrieved through the URL specified by the additionalDetails output field.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/EventProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all event items in the cart.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}/EventProduct

Gets all properties of a single event product item in the cart.

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts

Sets top level fields on the cart such as the shipping and billing address or the coupon code.

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}/EventProduct

Updates the properties of a single event product item in the cart. If the item specified is not an event product, this call would cause an error.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/PurchaseOrder

Completes the shopping experience using a purchase order for payment. The shopper must have the required credit approval limits.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/CreditCard

Completes the shopping experience using a credit card for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/SavedPayment

Completes the shopping experience using a saved payment for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ACH

Completes the admin shopping experience using a ACH for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ACHTokenizer

Completes the admin shopping experience using a ACH for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/GPay

Completes the shopping experience using GPay for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ApplePay

Completes the shopping experience using Apple Pay for admin payment.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ZeroPaymentOrder

Completes the admin payment process of zero payment orders

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/ShipmentTypes?sort={sort}

Gets all the shipment types available.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/GetRemotePaymentRequest

Retrieves the remote payment request data for checkout.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Checkout/ProcessRemotePaymentResponse

Processes the remote payment response data for checkout.

POST v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Adds a subscription general product to the cart.

PATCH v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Updates the properties of a single subscription general product item in the cart. If the item specified is not a subscription general product this call will throw an error.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/SubscriptionGeneralProduct?sort={sort}

Gets the common properties of all subscription items in the cart.

GET v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}/SubscriptionGeneralProduct

Gets all properties of a single subscription product item in the cart.

DELETE v1/admin/company/{id}/ShoppingCarts/Items/{cartSequenceId}

Removes the specified item from the admin's company cart. This may result in multiple items being removed if items are part of a group.